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The State of Facebook Marketing in Infographics

Facebook ads are here, and they’re here to stay. Over the past few months there has been an influx of new, fantastic infographics on Facebook and its emergence as one of the preeminent online engagement and marketing platforms. We decided to share some of our favorites, organized by the current state of Facebook trends, understanding your followers and fans, maximizing the potential of your Facebook marketing campaign, and the future of the Open Graph platform and Social Sharing.

Courtesy of The Social Marketer:
Facebook emerges as the largest ad impressions publisher on the internet

Facebook, once thought of as the future of online advertisements, has become the dominant force in a crowded field of online ad publishers.

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10 Interesting Facebook Open Graph Apps and Actions

Aside from its IPO, the big Facebook story over the past week has been the addition of over 60 Open Graph Apps. When these Apps were announced back in September at f8, our SVP of Product, Rishi Dean, wrote two great posts—first breaking down Facebook’s Open Graph platform and announcements at f8, and a second outlining how together these announcements form a “social feedback loop.”

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